2024 WGS Conference Registration Now Closed
Registration for the 2024 conference is now closed. Walk-in registration the day of the conference is available, but with no guarantee of a printed program or meals. These are ordered in advance.
WGS Members . . . . . $75.00
Non-Members . . . . . $85.00
Attention any Kansas and Oklahoma Genealogical Society member. We are pleased to offer conference registration at our member rate for anyone who belongs to a genealogy society in Kansas or Oklahoma. When the registration options appear, choose Member. Then in the form we ask you to enter your society name.
Exhibitors can register Online - Both Non-profit and commercial exhibitors may register on-line also. A Exhibitor Registration Code is required. Email Gary Clark (gary@phototree.com) and ask for the code. Or a mail-in form can be sent along with a check. Click here for an Exhibitor Registration Packet.
Online Registration - Now Open
We offer a simple and secure online option to register for the conference. Click the Register button to begin the registration steps. Multiple people can be registered in one step, just click the Add Guest button. You can pay with a credit or debit card. An acknowledgment will be sent via email shortly after registering. This is for attendees and Exhibitors.

Mail-In Registration - Click on Button
You can print a form, fill in the information and send it along with a check to the address on the form. You will receive an email confirmation within a week. Click on the Mail-In button for the form.

NOTE: Registration fee is non-refundable for either online or mail-in registration.
Registration – Overview – Details and Schedule