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Special Interest Groups (SIG)

For 2024, we added an additional SIG group:  Native American Ancestry and Research SIG.  This topic has been a popular class which has been given periodically; but the subject matter deserves an on-going discussion. The DNA and a Technology Special Interest Groups (SIG) have been consolidated to a single Zoom meeting each month, though the topics (DNA or Technology) will alternate each month. The DNA and Technology SIGs are conducted in the virtual world using ZOOM. Our successful Genealogy Talk SIG, which has been meeting for several years, is growing in popularity. Genealogy Talk is in person in the Wichita Public Library.

SIG Meetings are for Members Only,  one of the benefits of being a member of the Wichita Genealogical Society. Click here for a complete printable schedule for 2024 (PDF).

DNA & Technology SIG

The WGS DNA Special Interest Group  and Technology SIG meet in alternate months on the 3rd Monday of each month. The meetings are  led by Jason Felihkatubbe,  the WGS Education Chairperson.

This is for members only, and you need to sign up to RSVP.  Or just email Jason to ask questions about the group. You will receive a Zoom link  via email a few days before the meeting. You only need to do this once and you will be registered for all subsequent meetings.

Send an email to: to signup for the Special Interest Group.

Meets 3rd Monday of Month

7:00 - 8:00 PM

Via Zoom

DNA - February, April, June, August, October, December 

Technology: March, May, July, September, November

Genealogy Talk SIG

Our highly popular Genealogy Talk Special Interest Group meets on the 1st Monday of each month in the downtown Wichita Public Library, Conference Room A.

Led by Phyllis Schanbacher, she brings a short presentation about a genealogy service, tip, or other related topic. The meeting then opens up to discussion of topics brought by attendees. Having trouble with a genealogy task? Need a source? Or just need another opinion? Ask away.

We are meeting in person again. No need to register, but it is for Members Only.

First Monday of Month
(Unless holiday conflicts)

6:00 - 7:00 PM


Native American Ancestry and Research SIG

The WGS Native American Ancestry and Research Special Interest Group meets in person the third Wednesday of each month in the Hyde Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Research Pavilion in the Advanced Learning Library.

For members only. Discover the latest in Native American research and explore a new topic in-depth each month. Time will be allocated to answer questions and assist with individual research.

Register by sending an email to

Meets 3rd Wednesday of Month

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Hyde Conference Room

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